Austin 2040. What does it mean?
On Dec. 15, 2011, the Austin City Council unanimously approved adoption of the Austin Resource Recovery Master Plan. A culmination of two years of research, stakeholder engagement and community input, the Master Plan sets the stage for the Department’s programs and services for the next 30 years and beyond.
The aim is to reach the City Council’s goal of Zero Waste by 2040, which means keeping at least 90 percent of discarded materials out of the landfill. The Master Plan outlines aggressive milestones to ensure that goal is achieved on time, if not sooner.
The change won’t happen overnight, hence the long-range plan! In early 2013, Austin instituted its so-called “bag ban.” You can read more about that on the city website BringItAustin.com. If you’ve seen my Austin2040 / Agent Jill reusable bags around town, this is what it’s all about.
To read more about Austin’s Zero Waste goals, visit their site.